Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Palin Rope-a-Dope?

Do you think Palin is doing a Rope-a-Dope? Her expectations for the debate couldn't be any lower. People in her own party are expressing embarassment about her performance and suggesting that she leave the ticket for the sake of the country. She's going into the debate with Biden on Thursday with nowhere to go but up. If she can memorize her stock campaign lines and smoothly segue into them regardless of the question asked, she could come out the winner on this one.

In case you don't know, the Rope-a-Dope was Muhammed Ali's strategy in the ring. He would fall against the ropes to cushion the blows of his opponent. When his opponent was exhausted from all the punching, he would take them out.

Let's not forget that debates aren't about facts as much as they are about perception. Palin is extremely likeable, and as they said on Saturday Night Live, the more she gets backed into a corner, the more adorable she becomes. Let's hope that Biden isn't the dope that gets roped.

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