Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama, Not McCain, Shows Steady Hand in Crisis

More stuff you need to know if you're one of those people who is still undecided. A presidential campaign is like an audition for the toughest and most important job in the world. Last week, we had the rare opportunity to see how both candidates behave in a crisis. By virtually all accounts, Obama won this round. Even someone as conservative as George Will said on ABC this weekend that we had a chance to see McCain's personality this week, and we should be scared.

McCain is still turning to Phil Gramm for financial advice which should scare us even more. Phil Gramm, if you don't know, is a caricature of the extreme right-wing idealogue. He and his wife were involved in the Enron collapse, and he recently called us a nation of whiners regarding the current economic challenges. This is a man we don't want anywhere near the corridors of power if we can help it, yet McCain could make him Treasury Secretary if he is elected.

Read about at, not exactly a liberal hangout which gives this story even more credibility.

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