Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is Obama Ready to Lead

This ad, released a few minutes after the debate, is a good example of the Rove style of attacking your opponent on strengths. It's also a disturbing example of the audience that McCain is trying to reach. Any thinking person who watched the debate would see Obama's agreements as the mark of a civilized and decent man who attempts to find common ground before disagreeing. It's leadership and communication 101. It's exactly the reason Obama would be a better president than McCain. We have seen the result of belligerence, bellicosity and the refusal to listen to those with whom you disagree over the last eight years. We will not put this country back together again without the ability to listen and treat opponents with respect.

This message, approved by John McCain, says that anyone who displays any degree of civility or attempt to find points of agreement with his opponent is weak and not ready to lead. We're supposed to believe that John McCain wouldn't be a third term for George Bush? Of course he would. You could have watched the debates with the sound turned off to come to that conclusion.

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