Monday, September 8, 2008

Anyone in Favor of an Intelligence Test for Voters?

The election and the fate of our country could be in the hands of people like this. From

Via my friend Daniel McQuade of Philadelphia Weekly, here's a snippet from a really interesting Philadelphia Daily News account of a visit Joe Biden made to northeast Philadelphia on Friday:

In a corner booth, Biden sat down and, after a moment's conversation, planted a kiss on the forehead of Carolyn Bauer, age 89. Bauer explained afterward it wasn't such a friendly encounter.

"I told him I'm not going to vote for him," Bauer said. "Anybody who runs with a guy with a name like that is not going to get my vote. It'd be disgusting to get a man named Barack Obama as president of the United States. No way. I mean it ... I'm going to vote for McCain and the lady."

"[Obama's] a Muslim," Bauer added. "He pretends to be a Christian, and he isn't, he's a Muslim."

That sort of thing is, to put it mildly, not something Obama's campaign wants to hear, especially where Biden was. Despite a large Catholic (and antiabortion) population, northeast Philly has been turning blue of late -- John Kerry won there in 2004 -- but it might well be key to any chance John McCain has of taking Pennsylvania. In the Democratic primary earlier this year, Hillary Clinton won the area by a large margin.

― Alex Koppelman

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