Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Son's Advice

Here's what my 23 year-old son said when I expressed concern over McCain's poll numbers. It's his age group that is going to win it for Obama. (copied it directly from his e-mail without editing for spelling, punctuation or grammar. I'm real proud of him!)

Don't get in a panic over the polls. We're still seeing the bounce that McCain has been getting from the convention and Palin. I've only seen one poll (Gallup) that shows McCain has a huge lead, the rest show the two of them in a statistical dead heat. I have a feeling we will see the polls level out, since the McCain campaign doesn't seem to be running on anything other than smear and bald-faced lies. Even Bush talked about his issues to some extent, McCain just keeps spreading total bullshit (bridge to nowhere) and he can't keep this up for the next two months. The media is turning against them as well, first calling them out on the bridge to nowhere and then this whole lipstick nonsense. Even O'Reilly has called them out on that. Obama is taking the right approach by not ignoring these things but attacking them head on, and then continuing to talk about his policies because he has something to talk about and the McCain campaign doesn't.

Remember not to get caught up in the traditional circular firing squad that Democrats love. This party tends to panic and lose their heads over any negative thing, and that isn't the correct approach. McCain and Palin have almost nothing to campaign on except for lies and smears, and Obama and Biden actually have a spine and are standing up to them. I think things are going to remain close simply because this nation is too polarized for either candidate to have a huge lead, but in the end I think Obama will win out.

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