Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Greater Threat Than Terrorism

These are the voters who will determine the next president. These are the voters McCain is going after with his sleazy, dishonest campaign. We have more to fear from willfully ignorant people than we do from terrorists.

From a recent article by Walter Shapiro in

It does not take a UFO hunter to find Ohio voters who believe that Obama is ... well ... alien. Having breakfast Friday morning at the counter at Paul's Restaurant in Whitehall, a blue-collar suburb of Columbus, retired aircraft designer Richard Beard stressed that he knew all that he needed to know to vote against Obama. "Anyone who won't salute the flag or say the Pledge of Allegiance isn't worth voting for. And Obama doesn't have an American birth certificate or one that you can believe. The one from Hawaii is a fake." But the bearded Beard, an original Ron Paul supporter who was wearing the black baseball cap that the NRA gives its $1,000 donors, would have been an unlikely Democratic voter even if Obama had been born in the Ohio State end zone on a football Saturday. Smitten with Palin, Beard said, "She doesn't throw in any of that doublespeak like other politicians."

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