Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cindy McCain's $300,000 Outfit

The danger in attacking McCain on his homes and his wife's fortune is that it can be construed as attacking the "American Dream." Of course, everybody aspires to be rich someday, and after all, Cindy McCain pulled herself up by her bootstraps and worked hard to amass that fortune. No, wait. She inherited that fortune. Never mind. It makes a good story, and lots of people choose to believe it and believe they may be there some day. So, more power to her if she wants to wear fancy clothes and jewelry. That's her right. But, we're supposed to buy their line that it's Obama who is the elitist. Have you seen the suits he wears? Boring! Armani could do wonders for him. Don't you wish they could come up with more intellectually honest arguments?

Check out this article in Vanity Fair:

1 comment:

  1. Have you noticed she has "softened" her image. Less flash, less down?
