Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Fundamentals

Imagine that over the last few days the Bible was proven to be a hoax and Jesus never existed. Not a rumor. We saw the proof unfold in front of our own eyes. Then, the religious leaders of the country said, "the fundamentals of our religion are still strong." That's how absurd and ignorant McCain's statement is. The fundamentals of "their" economy - the Free Market system that is guided by Adam Smith's invisible hand - have collapsed under our feet. We're like Polar Bears in Alaska watching the solid ground that we've trusted all of our lives melt out from under our feet, and almost half of the country still wants to vote for the crowd that got us here.

The government's actions over the last few days have taken a few steps toward - God forbid - socialism. We are seeing socialized medicine for sick corporations who are too important to die while we continue to rage against any attempt to socialize medicine for individuals. This stuff is way too complicated for the Palin crowd, but we need to do our best to see clearly what's going on.

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