Thursday, September 25, 2008

The High School Bully Always Gets It In The End

Too bad we can't have stuff like this before we have to suffer for eight years with these people, but it's encouraging to know that if we wait long enough it will finally come around. There's a limit to how much abuse people will take before they strike back in some form. This is like watching one of those movies where the high school bully gets his butt kicked by the little guy. In the overall scheme of things, and in view of the enormity of the problems we're facing, this is small stuff, but it makes me feel good.

From the New York Post, September 23, 2008 --

SHARON Bush still wants her pound of flesh. President Bush's former sister-in-law, who was dumped by his brother, Neil, several years ago for another woman, has teamed up with best-selling author and lawyer Mark Smith to pen "Bushology," a none-too-flattering look inside the Bush dynasty. We're told they've brought the outline and several chapters to agent Marianne Strong, who's shopping the proposal. Apparently the word is out, as Sharon already got a call from her ex-husband, who's said to be furious about the exposé.

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