Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nero Fiddled - We're Talking About Lipstick

Obama should move this lipstick argument just a little bit closer to absurdity so it becomes clear how ridiculous and infantile this whole lipstick thing is. He should demand an apology from Palin to all of the Pit Bull owners in the world for her insulting, biased comment about those sweet dogs. They've been battling this kind of prejudice all their lives, and they don't need someone in Palin's position reinforcing this negative image.

Here's what Obama is sitting on that he could use to strike back at McCain. He probably won't because it would drag the dialogue further into the mud.

1. There is a video tape on the web of McCain using the exact phrase about Hillary Clinton's health care plan.
2. McCain stood by and chuckled when a woman at one of his rallies referred to Hillary as a bitch.
3. He told a joke about Chelsea Clinton that is so low class that Bill should have broken more of his bones.
4. When asked to confirm or deny an incident in a book about his life where he publicly called his wife a c***t and a trollop, he neither confirmed or denied it. The police removed the man who asked the question.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? Doesn't apply to politics. Karl Rove is testing his theory that there are enough stupid people in the country to swing the election based on this crap.

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