The next round of attacks will be on Obama's position on abortion. They're going to dredge up another old story accusing him of infanticide. They will also try to connect him to the moral decay of the country by implying that he is in favor of unlimited abortions.
What most people don't realize is that this whole abortion debate isn't about abortion. It's about a woman's right to choose. It's about limiting governmental intrusion on the most personal aspects of one's life. Most people who are "pro-choice" are anti-abortion in the sense that they realize the pain and trauma that many women experience who go through this. They are actively seeking other alternatives to abortion such as adoption. Many pro-choice advocates would make the same decision Sarah Palin made when confronted with the knowledge that they were going to have a Down Syndrome baby.
Another point that is lost in this argument is that Sarah Palin's baby will live a very good life with a loving family precisely because she had the right to CHOOSE to have that baby. When the government can force you to have a baby against your will, it's not illogical to say that the government could force you to terminate that pregnancy if it chooses.
So bone up on the facts below in preparation for your next conversation with a McCain supporter who will accuse Obama of being a "baby killer.'
The Obama campaign put some facts up on their website about the particular born alive votes he’s being attacked on:
At the time Barack voted against a bill containing language designed to protect infants who were “born alive,” such protection was already on the books as Illinois state law.
The accusations against Barack are so reckless that not even the Republican state senator who sponsored the bill will support them. In fact, he freely admits that “None of those who voted against SB-1082 favored infanticide.”
The bill was opposed by many legislators and groups like the Illinois Medical Society because of the unintended impact it would have had on other laws and legal precedents in Illinois
Barack is on the record saying that he would have supported a similar bill that came up in Congress -- but that didn’t pose a threat to a woman’s right to choose the way the Illinois bill did.
See research backing up these facts and tell others not to stand for this kind of wild and reckless accusation:
Together we can make sure these negative and divisive attacks don't affect this election.
Another GOP town hall, another angry crowd
1 hour ago
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