Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain and David Letterman

Here's an eight-minute clip of John McCain on David Letterman last night. This is about as good as you're going to get in the way of an explanation or rationale of the Sarah Palin pick. There are moments when I get a glimpse of someone I like in McCain - someone I'd like to have a beer with. But, then he goes a little wacky. His defense of Sarah Palin is totally unconvincing against the very astute and persistent questioning of David Letterman. He says things that seem to cancel out his previous arguments against Obama. When asked about Sarah Palin's ability to handle another 9/11, he said she has inspired many people around the country and that's what we need. He ridiculed Obama's inspirational qualities as lacking substance. I think he's a good man who has had some decisions forced on him by Karl Rove and his base that he doesn't agree with, and he finds it difficult to pretend. Some people are just not gifted actors. I think McCain lacks that gift.

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