Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Facts . . . If You're Interested.

It looks like McCain and Palin are relying on another fear tactic this week since the William Ayers strategy didn't work. Now it's taxes. Obama is a socialist. He's going to raise taxes on small business which will cut jobs and destroy America. I heard McCain this morning talk about "fines" for small businesses which Obama denied in the last debate. Remember McCain's "deer in the headlights" look when Obama denied it? If you want to take the time to get at the truth and the source, here's Obama's complete tax plan in black and white. Most people won't take the time to read this, which is unfortunate, but there are some interesting things here that you should know. We should also remember that a vote for either candidate is not a vote for an automatic implementation of any of their policies. They still have to get congressional approval.

Obama's Tax Plan

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