Sunday, October 26, 2008

Don't Write Off Palin

I was watching Sarah Palin's rally in Florida this morning. She was introduced by Elizabeth Hasselbeck of The View, who has given new meaning to the classic blonde joke. I think she might have rivaled Tina Fey for the best Palin impression. She even winked!

If Palin has really gone off on her own, as the media suggests, she is more effective in that mode. She's toned down her accent and cutesiness. I thought she did an excellent job of rebutting the wardrobe charges against her. I find her to be quite captivating even though I abhor her views. I don't think she's going to win, and she probably knows it, but I think she could be a force to reckon with in 2012 if she goes on a four-year crash course in government, economics and world affairs. A little Hillary Clinton gravitas combined with her beauty, charm and political skills could make her a formidable opponent for Obama in 2012 if Obama doesn't live up to expectations.

She's a great target for jokes right now, but I wouldn't write her off. She's been beaten down so much at this point that we run the risk of a "Rocky" backlash. We love to root for the underdog, and there's nothing more inspiring than watching someone pick themselves up and win the game. I think she's got what it takes for a comeback. Whether she can win or not is another question.

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