Friday, October 31, 2008

Republican Programming

There was a great cartoon at the beginning of the first Bush term. An aide walks into the Oval Office and says, "Mr. President, hostile aliens have invaded our planet!" Bush says, "Looks like it's time for a tax cut."

That's what Republicans do - cut taxes and deregulate. They believe it is the solution to all problems. Now, Bush is trying to roll back more regulations in his last few months. In spite of the current economic crisis, which was caused in part by lack of regulations, he's still following his knee-jerk Republican programming.

"Mr. President, our economy is collapsing, we're in debt to the Chinese for trillions of dollars, the stock market is in a free fall, and millions of Americans are losing their savings." Bush says, "Looks like it's time to deregulate."

Here's the first paragraph of a Washington Post article today:

The White House is working to enact a wide array of federal regulations, many of which would weaken government rules aimed at protecting consumers and the environment, before President Bush leaves office in January.

The rest of the story:

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