Tuesday, October 21, 2008

John McCain. Not Who You Thought He Was.

In an interview with a St. Louis television station, John McCain was asked whether he was "proud" of a particularly caustic anti-Obama mailer sent out recently by the Republican National Committee. "Absolutely," McCain replied.

The front of the mailer shows the nose of a plane parked at an airport gate; in an apparent reference to the 9/11 attacks, the accompanying text reads, "Terrorists don't care who they hurt." Inside, the mailer claims that Barack Obama "thinks terrorists just need a good talking to," a gross distortion of his positions. It goes on to say, "Islamic extremists want our laws changed, our culture destroyed and our families converted. We don't. What is there to talk about?"

Finally, it concludes, "Barack Obama. Not who you think he is."

A video of the McCain interview, showing the question directed to him and his response as well as images of the mailer, is below.

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