Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank Goodness We Live in Texas - We're Safe!

The Washington Post today reports on a speech by Sarah Palin last night in North Carolina:

Palin also made a point of mentioning that she loved to visit the "pro-America" areas of the country, of which North Carolina is one. No word on which states she views as unpatriotic.

An obvious candidate might be California -- a state Palin has campaigned in -- because, as she told the audience, she and McCain have encountered problems enlisting famous performers in their cause.

"In fact, we were on the bus today, we were making a list of who are some celebrity singers who could come out and help us and gosh, for the life of us, the pickins were slim there," she said. "Who's quasi-conservative out there in the celebrity land?"

I wonder where the "anti-America" parts of the country are. If they get elected, they could attack California.

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