Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin's Pastor

This excerpt from an interview with Sarah Palin's pastor might give some insight into her and those who support her. We can't be certain that she shares the pastor's views, but she hasn't denounced him like Obama did with Rev. Wright.

For those who worry and wonder why religious conservatives aren't concerned about Palin's lack of foreign policy qualifications or economic sophistication, pastor Dennis had the answer:

"When it comes to economic policy, to God it's not that important, because He is our provider," the pastor said in his most reverent voice. "Our trust is in Him, not in economic policy." He emphasized that this is an overriding issue for the evangelical faith community, "because we believe when the country puts its trust in God -- and not in man's systems and man's reasoning -- but makes their decisions more based upon God's word, we're going to find our economy, our nation, being healed."

Does that mean that we don't bother about creating a system of regulations to prevent another financial crisis? Does that mean that we should just trust that God will work it out? I'm sure the Wall Street crowd would vote for that bill!

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