Sunday, October 5, 2008

Palin Accusing the Press of Abusing Freedom

A quote from Palin in The New Republic today. I'm not sure what she's saying in this incoherent ramble. I think she needs to hire George Bush as an interpreter. On second thought, that wouldn't work. He would probably understand her, but wouldn't be able to explain it to us. It sounds like she's implying that the press is abusing the freedom that our troops are fighting for. If you have a better interpretation, please post it as a comment.

As we send our young men and women overseas in a war zone to fight for democracy and freedoms, including freedom of the press, we've really got to have a mutually beneficial relationship here with those fighting the freedom of the press, and then the press, though not taking advantage and exploiting a situation, perhaps they would want to capture and abuse the privilege. We just want truth, we want fairness, we want balance.

Fair and balanced like Fox News?

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