Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama's Response to McCain Attack Strategy

In the latest Batman movie, The Joker was able to bring out the worst in Batman and force him to compromise his principles. This campaign is starting to look like that. So far, Obama's Batman hasn't succumbed to the strategy of McCain's Joker. McCain has given up the dignity and honor that has been his trademark for so many years, and is beginning to look more and more like the Joker. Palin's accusation that Obama "pals around with terrorist" is the equivalent of accusing him of treason. That's enough to get a weaker man to play the same game with McCain. So far, Obama is refusing to play his game. McCain has announced that they want to get off the economy and will start making personal attacks against Obama, his associations, and his character. This ad is Obama's first response. He's taking the high road. I hope it works.

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