Saturday, October 4, 2008

FACT CHECK: Obama Voted Against Funding the Troops

You may recall Sarah Palin's accusation that Obama voted against funding the troops. After she said it, she paused dramatically and said, "that's another story." That was a coded message to all of the cretins out there who still believe he's a muslim and has some hidden agenda to destroy American once he's elected. Here's the fact to use when you get one of those forwarded e-mails or someone questions Obama's patriotism:

Here's what Biden had to say about that:

With regard to Barack Obama not funding the troops, John McCain voted the exact same way. John McCain voted against funding the troops because the amendment had a timeline in it to draw down American troops. And John said I’m not going to fund the troops if in fact there’s a time line. […]

John McCain voted to cut off funding for the troops. John McCain voted against an amendment containing $1 billion, $600 million that I had gotten to get MRAPS, those things that are protecting the governor’s son and pray god my son and a lot of other sons and daughters. He voted against it. He voted against funding because he said the amendment had a time line in it to end this war. He didn’t like that.

Look it up! Once these bills come up for a vote, they're so packed with other stuff that some lawmakers are forced to vote against it. It's not fair to either side to level this kind of charge. John McCain voted against funding our troops. Barack Obama voted against funding our troops. Both statements are technically true, but even McCain's enemies would find it hard to believe that he would ever vote against funding for the troops. There's always more to the story, and it's way too complicated to put into an e-mail.

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