Thursday, October 16, 2008

Andy Warhol Was Right

Joe the Plumber got more than his fifteen minutes of fame last night. He's being interviewed this morning by Katie Couric. Get this - his taxes won't go up under Obama because he's not making over $250,000 a year . . . . yet. He's going to get a tax cut and, like Obama said last night, he can use some of that extra money to buy his business. It's interesting to listen to his "slippery slope" logic.

I think McCain is taking advice from Phil Gramm again. Gramm had his common man, Dickie Flatt, a printer from his hometown in Texas. Gramm was always fond of saying that he put everything through the Dickie Flatt test before he voted on something. I suppose he consulted Dickie on Enron and Wall Street.

It looks like we might have a Joe the Plumber test to hear about for the next three weeks. I think Joe the Plumber should get used to saying President Obama!

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