Monday, November 19, 2007

The Unitary Executive

The beauty of our constitution is that it is designed to protect the minority from the majority. The founders realized something very fundamental about human nature - with no checks on power, the majority will run roughshod over the minority. However, I wonder if they could foresee the day when the majority would need to be protected from the minority. That's what we have today as the Bush administration expresses its contempt for the constitution and embraces the Unitary Executive Theory. In a nutshell, the Unitary Executive theory pretty much does away with the system of checks and balances and says that the president can do whatever he wants to do. As the polls and elections indicate, a majority of the people in this country do not agree with what's happening, yet we are unable to have any influence on the minority that is in control of the country. A small group of neoconservatives have hijacked this country and are running it like a dictatorship.

If you ever have a chance to ask a question in a public forum, ask about the Unitary Executive Theory. That's one of the things you're voting for, and you're going to get more of it with a Republican than with a Democrat.

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