Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bush is Larry David without the Charm

Bush reminds me of Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm - without Larry's charm. He just can't get it right. He just stumbles along filled with his ignorance, arrogance and self-righteousness, totally unaware or uncaring about his offensive behavior.

Some day, if we're lucky, we'll have a president who looks, acts, thinks and talks like a president. On Veteran's Day, you would think that Bush would go to Arlington National Cemetery to honor ALL veterans who have died in our wars over the years. But, instead he went to a VFW post in Waco. Darth Vader went to Arlington instead - not the lesser of two evils. I guess it was more convenient for him to go to Waco since he was at another one of his little getaways at the "ranch."

I wish I could find something good to say about Bush, but I find nothing in his character, manner, life or policies worthy of praise. On second thought, he has a more reasonable approach to illegal immigration than most of his radical neocon cronies.

I was aware of his intellectual shortcomings, arrogance and crudity while he was governor of Texas, and I was stunned when he was appointed to the office by the Supreme Court. I knew it was going to be bad, but I had no idea how bad it was going to be. Let's hope the next president can clean up this mess and give us our country back.

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