Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Leader of the Free World

Do you ever get the feeling that Bush is a little more comfortable bombing things than getting involved in the subtleties of international diplomacy where he's obviously over his head and out of his league? Watch this clip of his performance at Annapolis yesterday and just cringe with embarrassment.

His incompetence would be unforgivable for even a mid-level manager in a large corporation. But, for the leader of the free world, it is appalling and embarrassing. You look at this with your mouth hanging open in amazement wondering how this man ever got in this position.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of everything that is happening in the Middle East. Yet, Bush has made no attempt to bring these parties together for the last seven years. Now, he has a summit meeting, but only shows up for a photo op and a poorly read speech.

No major corporation in the country would tolerate this degree of incompetence. Why have we tolerated it for seven years? I wonder if it doesn't say more about us than it does about him. Almost half of the people in the country voted for him.

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