Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's Not Good to Kill Babies

It's interesting to me how the anti-abortion groups exert so much energy, time and money trying to combat abortion while supporting Bush's war which is killing thousands of innocent children. They use the term "sanctity of life" while supporting war and the death penalty. Can somebody explain this to me?

Also, the term "pro-life" is misleading and intended only for those who can't think past the jerk of their knee. Of course, virtually everyone is for life, and it is possible and reasonable for a person to be opposed to abortion yet against the effort to overturn Roe v Wade which is settled law in this country. Those who support abortion rights are not advocating the "killing of unborn children." They are supporting the right of a woman to make her own choices. That's why they use the term "pro-choice" not "pro-abortion." If you want to divide up with labels, it would be more accurate to use the terms, "No-choice" and "pro-choice."

We've all heard the phrase, "I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it." Why can't we disagree with a woman's decision to have an abortion, but defend her right to make that decision."

I sure wish they would yell as loud about the babies we're killing in Iraq.


  1. Zorro has always been a favorite of mine. I find the quote that Bush's war is killing thousands of babies interesting. I wonder if you have any sources to back this up? I would love to pass on to my friends. Thank you very much Darryl

  2. Actual numbers for Iraqi civilian casualties are hard to come by, but this article from the Washington Post estimates it to be around 650,000.


    Iraq Body Count.org has about 83.000.


    Even if we use the low estimate, the law of averages would dictate that many of those were children.

    About 3,000 people lost their lives on 9/11. Our retaliation against an innocent country has already claimed over 80,000 lives.
