Thursday, November 13, 2008

Will We Make it to January 20?

The incompetence of this administration has no end. After eight years, you would think they could get something right. That's what we get for putting people in charge of government who fundamentally hate government. This item from today's news combined with the seemingly endless decline of the stock market just makes you want to cry.

In the six weeks since lawmakers approved the Treasury's massive bailout of financial firms, the government has poured money into the country's largest banks, recruited smaller banks into the program and repeatedly widened its scope to cover yet other types of businesses, from insurers to consumer lenders.

Yet for all this activity, no formal action has been taken to fill the independent oversight posts established by Congress when it approved the bailout to prevent corruption and government waste. Nor has the first monitoring report required by lawmakers been completed, though the initial deadline has passed.

"It's a mess," said Eric M. Thorson, the Treasury Department's inspector general, who has been working to oversee the bailout program until the newly created position of special inspector general is filled. "I don't think anyone understands right now how we're going to do proper oversight of this thing."

The rest of the story.

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