Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Don't Like Joe Lieberman

The more you know about Joe Lieberman, the more undesirable he becomes. When Al Gore selected him for his VP, I thought he made a good choice. Now, I question Gore's judgement.

Shortly after Bush was appointed to the presidency in 2000, Lieberman was sucking up to him. Now, he's sucking up to Obama after trashing him throughout the campaign. This article from the Washington Post reveals that he was providing financial support to other Republican candidates in addition to McCain.

Obama's desire for reconciliation is admirable, but I wonder when it's time to tell someone they just don't belong. If the Democrats do end up with a 60 vote majority, he's going to be the sixtieth vote. Some of the most important cliff-hangers will depend on him. Maybe Obama is giving us all an important lesson in forgiveness and pragmatism, but this one is hard to swallow.

He sounds like a cartoon character. Is it Deputy Dawg with that whiney, nasal voice?

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