"I'm feeling pretty spirited, pretty good about life." -- George W. Bush, asked today if he isn't feeling a little "troubled" about his standing with the American people.
I would think he'd be a little troubled about all the death and destruction he's caused over the last five years.
Mike’s Blog Round-Up
1 hour ago
“How depressing, corrupt, unlawful and tragically absurd the [Bush] administration’s world view actually is … how low the moral bar has been lowered … and (though I know I’m capable of intellectually lazy notions of collective guilt) how complicit our silence as citizens is … Nixon, a true fiend, looks like a paragon of virtue next to the criminally incompetent robber barons now raiding the present and future.”
ReplyDeleteI felt this was a pretty good description of my feelings as well. Oddly spoken by John Cusack...actor in Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil and more recently...1408