Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Campaigning While Female

Vapid, driveling, inane, insipid, jejune, nothing, tasteless, tiresome, unimaginative, uninspiring, uninteresting, unpalatable, vacant, vacuous, mean-spirited, low class, and empty. How many words can I find to describe the level of political discourse in this country? What does it say about those who spew this mindless drivel and those who listen to it and believe it? Yesterday, the campaign reached its lowest and meanest point so far with the comments by Rush Limbaugh about Hillary Clinton's appearance. If it weren't for his 14 million "ditto-heads" who hang on his every word, he would be a comical sideshow who wouldn't deserve an ounce of ink or a sliver of the air waves. But, he speaks and thinks for 14 million people in this country, including the president and vice-president who regularly appear on his program. Every person, Republican, Democrat, Hillary supporters and haters, with an ounce of intellectual integrity should be offended by these comments. This transcends politics. It reveals the ugly attitudes we have toward aging and women in this country. Take the time to read this article. It will only take about 5-10 minutes. Then, tell at least one other person that bags under the eyes have nothing to do with a person's ability to be a competent president.

"After a close-up of her face appeared on the Drudge Report, Hillary Clinton was found guilty of -- horrors! -- aging."

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