Friday, January 9, 2009

Ann Coulter and Al Franken - Odd Couple

Ann Coulter would be one of those people who might fit the description of an attractive nuisance if she weren't so damn unattractive in every imaginable way. She is without a doubt the most vapid, mean-spirited, small-minded, ridiculous right-winger out there. She even surpasses Rush Limbaugh in her stupidity and meanness, but that's her shtick. That's how she makes money, and it's a sad commentary that she is able to sell books and get air time to discuss her wacky views.

So, it's always pleasing to see someone take her down a notch or two, which isn't hard to do, but in this short clip, Al Franken does it in elegant fashion. In one brief sentence, he exposes the superficiality of Ann Coulter.

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