Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bush Moving to a Progressive Neighborhood

George Bush has bought a home in the wealthy part of Dallas known as Preston Hollow. Until 2000, the neighborhood association's covenant said only white people were allowed to live there, though an exception was made for servants. The document, enacted in 1956, reads:

"Said property shall be used and occupied by white persons only except these covenants shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race or nationality in the employ of a tenant."

I don't know the full history of this, but can you just imagine the mindset of a group of people who would allow a covenant like that to remain in place until 2000 after all the pain and turmoil of the civil rights movement, not to mention the laws that were enacted as a result of it. It would be interesting to know what caused the covenant to be removed in 2000, but I doubt that it was a sudden awakening of social conscience and sense of justice. More likely it was forced on them. These will be Bush's new neighbors. I suppose it's a good place for him to live.

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